
I am a student at the moment, but I will have finished my studies by the time of the event. Can I send my summary to the Student’s Corner?

Yes, in order to send your abstract to the Student's Corner, undergraduate, postgraduate, EIR or other, you must be enrolled on the closing date for abstract submission (June 3rd). Submitting an abstract to the Student's Corner allows you to present an abastract without results or with results, which will always be accepted in poster format.

Por |2024-04-09T15:55:52+02:00abril 9th, 2024||Sin comentarios

I am currently an undergraduate student; I have sent a summary (Student’s Corner or other category). When I send it, I am registered as a student, but I will have finished my studies by the time the event is held. Can I register and pay the fee as a student?

Yes, if you were a student on the date of submission of the abstract, as the reduced registration fee as a student is applicable to all undergraduate students (does not apply to postgraduate students). Therefore, as long as you meet this requirement, you can register and pay the reduced student registration fee regardless of whether

Por |2024-04-09T15:57:46+02:00abril 9th, 2024||Sin comentarios
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