La jornada InvesTech Connect: conectando cuidados y tecnología nace con el objetivo de facilitar la convergencia entre los avances tecnológicos actuales y las necesidades del sector de los cuidados, promoviendo la colaboración entre empresas tecnológicas, instituciones del sector de los cuidados y profesionales de la salud. Buscamos fomentar el intercambio de ideas, conocimientos, necesidades y recursos para desarrollar, de forma colaborativa, proyectos innovadores que aborden los desafíos actuales en la prestación de servicios de cuidados.
Los participantes de la jornada incluirán un grupo de representantes de diferentes organizaciones con necesidades de innovación insatisfechas, así como empresas que estén desarrollando soluciones innovadoras para el sector de los cuidados. Esta será una excelente oportunidad para establecer contactos entre el sector público y el sector privado y explorar nuevas vías de colaboración y financiamiento para sus proyectos innovadores.
La jornada InvesTech Connect se llevará a cabo dentro del marco del XXVIII Encuentro Internacional de Investigación en Cuidados, organizado por la Unidad de Investigación en Cuidados y Servicios de Salud del Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Investén-isciii) en la Universitat Jaume I de Castellón, del 13 al 15 de noviembre.
En la página web del XXVIII Encuentro Internacional de Investigación en cuidados, o a través del siguiente enlace.
Antes del Encuentro, quedamos a tu disposición para responder cualquier pregunta a través del siguiente formulario o del correo encuentros@encuentrosinvesten.es. Durante el Encuentro, podrás dirigirte al punto de información del encuentro o a la secretaría técnica.
En un trabajo previo, desde Investén-isciii hemos identificado Envejecimiento saludable y fragilidad y Aislamiento social y soledad no deseada como áreas temáticas de interés en las cuales los nuevos avances tecnológicos pueden ser realmente útiles. Dentro de estas áreas de interés existen multitud de situaciones específicas en las que la tecnología puede ofrecer soluciones para avanzar en la calidad de los cuidados. En este enlace encontrarás más información sobre cada una de estas áreas temáticas.
La presentación de propuestas de retos y desafíos que hayáis identificado y a los que os enfrentáis en vuestra práctica clínica diaria se realiza a través del siguiente formulario. La fecha límite de cumplimentación del cuestionario de propuesta de retos será el 30 de julio.
Vuestros retos se harán llegar a empresas tecnológicas interesadas en ofrecer soluciones y durante el Encuentro tendréis la posibilidad de conoceros y trabajar conjuntamente en una propuesta concreta. Además, durante la jornada tendremos la oportunidad de participar en sesiones educativas, presentaciones de prototipos, networking y otras actividades destinadas a promover la colaboración
El trabajo durante el Encuentro estará orientado a abordar el reto planteado y co-crear soluciones innovadoras de forma colaborativa. A través de diferentes iniciativas y talleres, trabajaremos en identificar, diseñar, desarrollar y validar soluciones que respondan a las necesidades del sector de los cuidados. Esta colaboración aprovechará los conocimientos y recursos tanto de tu equipo como de la empresa, con el objetivo de generar un impacto positivo en la prestación de estos servicios.
Análisis del reto: Junto con la empresa, profundizarás en la comprensión del problema o necesidad específica planteada como reto.
Generación de ideas: participarás en sesiones de lluvia de ideas y talleres colaborativos para generar diferentes enfoques y soluciones. La empresa aportará su experiencia y conocimientos tecnológicos para proponer soluciones innovadoras.
Buscamos la participación de una amplia gama de empresas innovadoras que estén desarrollando soluciones tecnológicas disruptivas en el sector de los cuidados. Esto puede incluir empresas emergentes (startups), PYMEs, empresas de tecnología consolidadas, así como instituciones académicas y de investigación que estén trabajando en proyectos relacionados con la salud y el bienestar.
Se publicarán en septiembre en la página web del XXVIII Encuentro Internacional de Investigación en cuidados.
También ofrecemos la posibilidad de montar un stand o realizar exhibiciones y demostraciones de prototipos, incluyendo dos inscripciones de acceso al encuentro (960€). A cambio, ofrecemos visibilidad en el programa del encuentro y en nuestra página web, proporcionando una plataforma excepcional para destacar tus productos y servicios frente a un público altamente especializado. Si lo consideras necesario, para coordinar una reunión en la que podamos explorar cómo tu empresa puede desempeñar un papel clave en esta Jornada.
Oportunidades de networking: Conectar con otros profesionales, empresas y expertos del sector de los cuidados y la tecnología, lo que puede llevar a colaboraciones futuras, alianzas estratégicas y oportunidades de negocio.
Conocimiento de las tendencias del sector: Obtener información sobre las necesidades y desafíos actuales del sector de los cuidados, a través de acceso a las diferentes conferencias y paneles de discusión organizadas en el encuentro.
Exposición y visibilidad: Mostrar tus productos, servicios o proyectos ante una audiencia relevante, lo que puede ayudar a aumentar la visibilidad de tu marca, generar interés en tus soluciones y abrir nuevas oportunidades de negocio.
Acceso a recursos y financiación: Conocer programas de financiación estatal enfocados a la colaboración público-privada que puedan ayudarte a hacer crecer tu proyecto.
Áreas de exposición y stands: Habrá espacios designados para exhibir tus productos, servicios y proyectos, donde los asistentes podrán explorar e interactuar con los expositores.
Sesiones con formato elevator pitch: Sesiones breves donde las empresas participantes dispondrán de unos minutos para exhibir sus proyectos, productos y servicios. Después de las presentaciones, habrá oportunidades de preguntas, respuestas y networking para establecer conexiones y explorar colaboraciones.
Actividades sociales: Se organizarán actividades sociales informales, como cócteles de networking, almuerzos o cenas, donde los asistentes podrán relacionarse de manera más relajada y fortalecer sus conexiones profesionales.
A través de la página web del encuentro. Para cualquier duda, puedes escribirnos a través del siguiente formulario o del correo encuentros@encuentrosinvesten.es y, si lo consideras necesario, para coordinar una reunión en la que podamos explorar cómo tu empresa puede desempeñar un papel clave en esta Jornada.
Si estás interesado/a en formar parte de esta iniciativa y contribuir al diálogo entre cuidados y tecnología, te agradecemos que te registres en el siguiente enlace y nos indiques cuál de las demandas identificadas es de tu interés.
Al participar en InvesTech Connect, tu empresa asumirá un patrocinio equivalente al precio de una inscripción (370€). Además, ofrecemos la posibilidad de montar un stand o realizar exhibiciones y demostraciones de prototipos, incluyendo dos inscripciones de acceso al encuentro (960€). A cambio, ofrecemos visibilidad en el programa del encuentro y en nuestra página web, proporcionando una plataforma excepcional para destacar tus productos y servicios frente a un público altamente especializado.
You can submit your abstract by clicking here.
However, there are some important things you should be informed about:
1.The first thing you need to do is to register on the platform. The person who appears as the first author in the abstract submission is assumed the speaker, unless otherwise specified. Changes of presenter must be sent signed by both presenters (previous and current) and must be accepted by the Scientific Committee.
After registration you will receive an e-mail confirming your e-mail address. And a second email with links to your personal area. There you will be able to change your registration details, or any other data concerning your communications.
Remember that the e-mail address and password you use will be the ones that allow you to access your personal area.
- You may submit your communication immediately after registration, or at any time before the abstract submission deadline. However, if you decide to do so later, you will have to log in to your personal area to do so. Please keep the second email you receive containing the links to access your personal area.
- Remember to read the submission guidelines before submitting your abstract. Abstracts can be submitted in Spanish, English or Portuguese, and the text should not exceed 3300 characters (excluding bibliographical references).
- If you submit further abstracts at any time before the end of the abstract submission deadline, you will no longer receive acknowledgement of receipt of these communications, but you will be able to view and modify them by logging in to your personal area.
Remember that for all matters relating to certificates, programme and other aspects, the authors will be cited as they appear in the abstract submission platform and in that established order. Once an abstract has been accepted by the Scientific Committee, NO modifications will be accepted regarding authorship and content.
My poster has been accepted, do I have to bring it printed or will the organisation print it for me?
NO, the organisation will print all the posters accepted at the Meeting, the CIICS and the International Doctoral Students’ Day.
To be printed, they must be sent following the rules attached to the letter of acceptance and by the established date (see important dates document), otherwise it is the responsibility of the speaker to bring a printed version.
YES, the organization requires that any supporting material that wants to be used for oral presentations be sent according to the rules attached to the letter of acceptance and by the established date (see important dates document). Subsequent changes to the content will NOT be accepted.
If no presentation material is sent, the organization assumes that you do NOT wish to use it. Consequently, NO material will be accepted after the established date of submission and the presentation will be done without such supporting material.
Yes, in order to send your abstract to the Student’s Corner, undergraduate, postgraduate, EIR or other, you must be enrolled on the closing date for abstract submission (June 3rd).
Submitting an abstract to the Student’s Corner allows you to present an abastract without results or with results, which will always be accepted in poster format. In both cases, the author(s) must be a student.
In the case of an abastract with results, in which, in addition to students, tutors or teachers appear in the authorship, it cannot be submitted to the Student Corner, but must be submitted to the general category.
Yes, students (undergraduate, postgraduate, EIR, or others) can submit their abstract as any attendee outside the Student’s Corner as long as they have results. In this way their work can be accepted for oral or poster presentation.
Yes, if you were a student on the date of submission of the abstract, as the reduced registration fee as a student is applicable to all undergraduate students (does not apply to postgraduate students). Therefore, as long as you meet this requirement, you can register and pay the reduced student registration fee regardless of whether you have completed your studies at the date of registration.
Note: please remember that, once you have registered, the secretary’s office will ask you to provide proof of your status as an undergraduate student before 3 June.
The book of communications includes all the abastracts accepted (except those presented at the International Conference for Doctoral Students) and which, voluntarily, the authors send, according to the established rules. Through the personal area of platform and always before the stipulated deadline (see important dates document).
Previously published abstracts will NOT be included in the book of communications.
NO, sending the text corresponding to the accepted abstract is not compulsory; it is the authors’ decision.
The book of communications, its final version (published 30 days after its completion), has an ISBN. For this reason, it may be considered, in some circumstances, as a curricular merit. However, please note that some scientific journals may not accept as original works those that have been totally or partially published in a book of communications of a scientific event.
The final version of the book of communications is published 30 days after the end of the event, on its website and in different electronic media.
The final version only contains those abastracts that have been presented and does not include abastracts that have not been presented due to any incident beyond the control of the organisers.
NO. As it has an ISBN, it is a abastract format that is provided to obtain the ISBN, but in order to be environmentally friendly; the Organizing Committee has decided to publish it only in electronic format.
Please use this version for any curriculum merit you may require.
To obtain continuing education credits you must attend 100% of the plenary sessions and register your entry and exit to the rooms using the method established by the organisation.
- Certificates of attendance can be downloaded online, through your personal area on the event platform, from the week following the event.
- The certificates corresponding to the abastracts (in any format) can be downloaded on-line through your personal area on the event platform, starting the week after the event.
- The award certificate will be presented during the closing ceremony.
Note: Please note that for all certificates the authors will appear as they are written in the abstract submission platform and in the order established at the date of submission.
Universities normally recognize the attendance of doctoral students to conferences as a training activity and the presentation of papers as a dissemination activity.
However, the presentation and discussion of the project (which takes place in the doctoral students’ room) is considered a colloquium and networking activity for researchers in training. This activity can be very enriching for the doctoral student and adds value to the other activities offered in parallel at the Congress.
In addition, the registration to this program has a reduced price with respect to the registration to the Congress, so it only includes identification, program and follow-up/evaluation document (it does not include other materials).
There is no specific time available for the defense of the poster, although the debate and exchange character of the session can (and should) give rise to questions from the attendees, both in the case of oral presentations and posters. However, they will be placed in a suitable location so that those attending the International Doctoral Student’s Workshop and the Congress can see them. Take advantage of the coffee breaks to be there and be able to explain, comment or solve possible questions.
If your thesis is advanced enough and you have results, you can present your work as an abstract at the Congress and, if accepted, it will be presented as an oral communication or poster depending on its evaluation. In this case you will receive a certificate of attendance and presentation of your paper at the Congress, not at the International Doctoral Student’s Workshop.
Yes, however, please note that presenting a paper as a speaker at the Congress is incompatible with being registered for the the International Doctoral Student’s Workshop and presenting your thesis at the Conference.
No. You cannot register and/or present your work simultaneously in the International Doctoral Student’s Workshop and in the Congress both scientific events take place in the same time. Therefore, you have to decide in which of the two events you are interested in registering.
The International Doctoral Student’s Workshop is a concurrent space for discussion and exchange among doctoral students, with the aim of exchanging experiences and the contents of the theses that are presented. You can only register and be a speaker at one of the two events, the International Conference of International Doctoral Student’s Workshop or the Congress. Please note that you will only obtain the certificate of attendance and/or presentation of the event in which you have registered.
In order to obtain the certificate of attendance to the International Doctoral Students´ Workshop, the following requirements must be fulfilled:
- Attendance to ALL the plenary sessions of the Congress.
- Active participation in all the specific sessions for doctoral students.
- Attendance to at least one of the symposia held during the Congress.
There will be a method of attendance control at the entrance and exit of these sessions. The doctoral student must make sure to go through the attendance control to register his or her attendance.
If you have participated in a workshop or seminar, you will receive a certificate of attendance.
If you have presented your thesis project, you will receive the corresponding certificate, oral or poster.
It is not necessary, the organization will print all accepted posters, including those of the International Conference of Doctoral Students.